happy older people

Who We Are


Hourglass Cymru is the national voice for older people at risk. We support the creation of a society that truly values older people – where those at risk can live free from abuse perpetrated by those in whom they have an expectation of trust. When abuse occurs, we seek an environment where it can be identified and addressed.


We are committed to urgent public review of the abuse of older people, and to ending the abuse, harm and exploitation of older people. We strive to guarantee safer ageing for all.


Hourglass Cymru will continue to lobby and influence the legal and criminal justice framework and the Welsh Government to protect older people from abuse and create a national conversation around safer ageing.


We will continue to tailor the way we communicate all campaigns and services to Welsh audiences, with a commitment to investing in our 24/7 Helpline to ensure the availability of a bi-lingual service.


We aim to shed light on institutional barriers to services for minority-group older people in Wales by bringing together a diverse portfolio of case studies.